ever gloomier, ever more awake
It is time for me to leave The Netherlands behind. Cees Nooteboom has opened my eyes to a part of Amsterdam I didn’t know existed. 
Away from the clichés of sex and drugs, canals and tulips. I was shown a terrible sadness. Rituals was a tale of a man trying to get by in a world that is forever changing. It was funny and rude, miserable and unfair. But ultimately Rituals was depressingly real.

The book is only 144 pages long, and every sentence is important. When a character encounters three doves in one day, there is a reason.
The story is split into three parts and we meet our main character Inni at different points in his life. We see him age and mature like the city of Amsterdam around him.
The time feels right to leave, I have seen enough. Although, I have been left with a contradiction; On the one hand Rituals appears to tie up loose ends and conclude efficiently, but I also feel that I am taking with me unanswered questions. Maybe while Inni is content with the conclusion, my own thoughts have been stirred up.
But for now, I must depart. I have many more places to go and books to read.
the navigator

Away from the clichés of sex and drugs, canals and tulips. I was shown a terrible sadness. Rituals was a tale of a man trying to get by in a world that is forever changing. It was funny and rude, miserable and unfair. But ultimately Rituals was depressingly real.

The book is only 144 pages long, and every sentence is important. When a character encounters three doves in one day, there is a reason.
The story is split into three parts and we meet our main character Inni at different points in his life. We see him age and mature like the city of Amsterdam around him.
The time feels right to leave, I have seen enough. Although, I have been left with a contradiction; On the one hand Rituals appears to tie up loose ends and conclude efficiently, but I also feel that I am taking with me unanswered questions. Maybe while Inni is content with the conclusion, my own thoughts have been stirred up.
But for now, I must depart. I have many more places to go and books to read.
the navigator