21 October 2008

in spite of my impatience

:: It's been a long time and I must move on, no time to stop, so this is in note form ::

-I've never read Nabokov before, but often thought I should.
-This book reminds me of Cees Nooteboom
-The narrator appears self assured.
-Too self assured for my liking.
-He made me anxious
-He speaks directly to me (the reader), maybe this is my problem?
-He speaks in tongues, at times.
-And then I seem to get to know him better
-I read the prose like a letter from an old friend.
-And I quite like his style.
-Nabokov compares a pen nib to a beak of a bird of prey, and for that alone, the book is a winner.
-I don't feel I have really 'seen' Russia.

the navigator


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3:33 pm  

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