07 May 2007

its only water and sand

I’m off. To New Zealand. Place names that begin with the word ‘new’ always make me a little sad - sad that I missed the chance to see the old. Perhaps I would have preferred that?

I hope that reading this book will help to clarify the fuzzy indistinctions between New Zealand and Australia. But the back of the book rumours ‘the story of three generations… spanning continents and decades’ - so perhaps I will merely become more confused.

I often fall for books based on their covers, and I like titles that tempt me in. I will tease you a little longer, but believe me when I say this one draws me in, and leaves me to set sail within the skeletal ship of a long dead whale. I’m off.

the circumnavigator


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, New Zealand, a place I would love to visit in person. And glad you joined BookMooch!

1:33 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha, I'm in a similar bind, which is reading a book set in Australia, by an Australian writer, only he's half Greek and bilingual, so it's hard to separate what's Australian culture and what's Greek culture.

9:27 pm  

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